Podere Poggio ai Cieli
Loc. Santa Maria 21/b
San Gimignano (SI) TOSCANA - ITALIA

Tel: +39 0577 950312
Fax: +39 0577 950081
Mobile: +39

P.IVA: 01155150525

** Contacts**


Please feel free to contact us in one of the following ways:

  • call us at the following numbers: +39 0577 950312 or +39 349 4032389 (Stefano)
  • send a fax to: +39 0577 950081
  • send us an e-mail to the following address: info@poggioaicieli.it

You can also complete and send the following form:


Name: Surname:


E-mail :

Numbers of guests:
adults children
small children (up to 3 years)

Period in which you are interested:

Arrival date :    

Departure date :  

Number of overnight stay:

Please indicate the type of lodging you do prefer:

have a look to the different types of lodging

Message text:

Your personal data will be used in the respect of the italian laws of protection of the privacy (D.L.vo 196/2003)

Apertura AnnualeCarta di CreditoPiscinaMountain-bikesPing PongGiochi per bambiniCucina AttrezzataSala ricreativa con TVAnimali AmmessiInformazioni turisticheRiscaldamentoLocale lavanderiaParcheggioForno e GrillGiardinoProdotti tipiciPercorso didattico naturalisticoConvenzione con ristoranti